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Falling To Heaven


If you were to go out and ask 100 people what they want the most in life, what do you think the majority of their answers would be? I personally think the highest response would simply be, “happiness.” People search all over for pleasure, joy, satisfaction, and happiness in this life. The problem is that many of them (including myself in many cases) are constantly looking in all the wrong places! They are traveling down dangerous roads and looking for solutions in erroneous paths. Why? Because those roads look attractive and therefore seem to actually be the correct paths that will lead to what they want. But they are mirages! This book  proves that you can only find true happiness by traveling on the roads that at first glance may appear too hard, boring and/or incorrect.

A paradox is a seemingly self-contradictory and therefore absurd statement or proposition that when investigated further actually proves to be true.”

James L. Ferrell in, “Falling to Heaven: The Surprising Path to Happiness ,” explains those paradoxical roads that one must take to find that true happiness. Because these roads may seem absurd to venture down at first thought, few people will be brave enough to actually take even a single step, but those who do will find very quickly that these roads are the only way to that happiness! So what’s the challenge? Until we understand this paradox, we will instinctively resist it!

I highly recommend you put this book  in the front of your book shelf and on the top of your reading list in order to keep the self-help principles you’ll learn elsewhere in check!  As promised on page 27, this book will bring peace to those of you who are feeling troubled, comfort those of you whose hearts may be broken and give hope to those of you who are on the brink of despair.

When you come to critical moments in your life where happiness just seems too far out of reach to ever feel again, this book will provide you with another possible path to travel, one that you may have never seen before! But remember, it’s different than the ones you’ve followed up to this point, are you brave enough to take the first step? If you’ve finally reached the point of understanding that all other roads will lead you astray, you may have no other choice!

It may be difficult but just remember:

The Harder You Work… The Luckier You Get!!!

The Compound Effect


<–This is a stupid video but Shia LaBeouf actually makes a good point: “If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.” This book will show you one of the best methods out there to make sure that happens!

The power of small and simple changes, consistently applied to your life, is one of the most powerful tools (called compounding ) that you can use to change your life! It doesn’t happen fast, but it happens, and this law is always in effect with every choice you make, so you might as well use it to your advantage rather than to your destruction!

Darren Hardy  is a business guru and the publisher of SUCCESS magazine who has disciplined himself enough to use this law of compounding  in his own career and personal life by making consistent choices every day that have ultimately led him to great success himself, and he teaches you how to do the same in this New York Times Bestseller ! Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find inside:

Countelss people have more disadvantages and greater obstacles than you, and yet they’re wealthier and more fulfilled.

Now that’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s also a message of hope! YOU can be just as successful as anyone else in this world and all it takes is consistency in a few small things. The slightest adjustments to your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes of your life. It’s not will power that will allow you to achieve it. Your success in any venture will be found in your daily routine. Come up with a routine that you execute every day without fail. Track your progress to become conscious of your steps and missteps- tracking is the model for success in everything as it makes you aware of what works and what doesn’t!

Don’t set yourself up for failure by starting a new venture and doing too much too soon. You must set goals and then come up with plans for those goals that are sustainable. It’s better to start slow and keep pumping forever rather than start fast and quit all together in just a few days or weeks. Your mind starts inventing all sorts of convenient alibis on why it’s okay to stop but you must maintain the consistency in order to use “The Compound Effect ” to your advantage.

If you’ll take immediate action and be dedicated, disciplined and consistent, you will wake up one day and look like an overnight success. Granted, it won’t have been an “overnight” success, it’ll take many weeks, months and maybe even years, but it will happen. As mentioned earlier, “The Compound Effect” focuses on small and achievable changes that are easier than big lofty goals that may get you there faster but would wear you out, force you to give up and try again later (at which point you would probably fail again anyway 🙁 ). These smaller choices are easier to maintain which means you will be more consistent with them and allow them to be programmed into your mind (turned into habits)!

It may not be easy, but it’s a lot easier than trying to be perfect at everything all at once! It’s an achievable lifestyle change that has the power to change your whole life over time, if you will be consistent in new daily routines. When it gets tough, just remember:

The Harder You Work… The Luckier You Get!!!