Falling To Heaven


If you were to go out and ask 100 people what they want the most in life, what do you think the majority of their answers would be? I personally think the highest response would simply be, “happiness.” People search all over for pleasure, joy, satisfaction, and happiness in this life. The problem is that many of them (including myself in many cases) are constantly looking in all the wrong places! They are traveling down dangerous roads and looking for solutions in erroneous paths. Why? Because those roads look attractive and therefore seem to actually be the correct paths that will lead to what they want. But they are mirages! This book  proves that you can only find true happiness by traveling on the roads that at first glance may appear too hard, boring and/or incorrect.

A paradox is a seemingly self-contradictory and therefore absurd statement or proposition that when investigated further actually proves to be true.”

James L. Ferrell in, “Falling to Heaven: The Surprising Path to Happiness ,” explains those paradoxical roads that one must take to find that true happiness. Because these roads may seem absurd to venture down at first thought, few people will be brave enough to actually take even a single step, but those who do will find very quickly that these roads are the only way to that happiness! So what’s the challenge? Until we understand this paradox, we will instinctively resist it!

I highly recommend you put this book  in the front of your book shelf and on the top of your reading list in order to keep the self-help principles you’ll learn elsewhere in check!  As promised on page 27, this book will bring peace to those of you who are feeling troubled, comfort those of you whose hearts may be broken and give hope to those of you who are on the brink of despair.

When you come to critical moments in your life where happiness just seems too far out of reach to ever feel again, this book will provide you with another possible path to travel, one that you may have never seen before! But remember, it’s different than the ones you’ve followed up to this point, are you brave enough to take the first step? If you’ve finally reached the point of understanding that all other roads will lead you astray, you may have no other choice!

It may be difficult but just remember:

The Harder You Work… The Luckier You Get!!!

Jonny P
Jonny P
I love progress and improvement in every category of life and I love making it happen as fast as possible! I love my family and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the best self-help source available to any of us.

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